Well I thought I would post a few more picks of my experimenting. I just cannot resit. A word of warning, although
OpenSim is an excellent piece of programming it's not
Second Life.
SL is still miles ahead of this simulator. However, I cannot help but get excited at the prospects.

Added an extra Island ROFL.

Here is Happy, the
sim I created, but no one is around :( - not so happy, or am I? Well you cant have it all, but this is the one limitation of running it on your own PC. It is possible to link other
PC's via network cables, something I am experimenting with at the moment. The next step is to link your
sim with
other grids and share your simulator with others.

Put some clothes on Orion and tried some
sculpties :) There is no content with
OpenSim, you have to provide this yourself and it is not possible to transfer your things from
SL. You can only use items you have created offline, you own, and are able to re-upload to this simulator. There are pieces of software available that allow you to reproduce items you have created in SL(TM) but these have limitations. Recognise the
auto-rez barrel?
Check out the Ping Sim :D on the top right - zero Lag