Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Welcome to AvaStar Beach

We are again pleased to announce that we have added a fourth island to our rental portfolio. AvaStar Beach is as beautiful as our other three parcels. The plot has been beautifully landscaped in a tropical theme, offering idyllic surroundings plus all the privacy and space provided by 16336 sq. m. (a quarter of a sim).

All offering superb water-frontage, our islands not only provide a sunny beach to sunbathe and party, but also plenty of sea to enjoy water sports. I could go on, but I think the image will speak for itself:

Avastar Beach Island

Visit our vendor in-world to find out latest prices and availability:

Rental Offices

If you have any questions, please IM Orion Raymaker.

Saturday, 26 July 2008

Linden Lab and IBM join forces with OpenSim: 'Metaverse' event notice

Start: 08/04/2008 - 12:00 PDT
Timezone: Etc/GMT-7 (8pm UK BST)

The collaboration between Linden Lab and IBM on OpenSim may be the most direct step taken so far toward a true ‘metaverse’. You will be able to hear IBM’s Zha Ewry and Linden Lab’s Zero Linden talk about the progress they have made, and the implications of their work at Metanomics, Noon PST on Monday, August 4th. They will start the show with Dusan Writer announcing the follow-up to his much-lauded competition to create a better Second Life client viewer.


About OpenSimulator

"The OpenSimulator Project is a BSD Licensed Virtual Worlds Server which can be used for creating and deploying 3D Virtual Environments. It has been developed by several developers. Out of the box, the OpenSimulator can be used to create a Second Life(tm) like environment, able to run in a standalone mode or connected to other OpenSimulator instances through built in grid technology. It can also easily be extended to produce more specialized 3D interactive applications."


You dont have to be in Second Life to Watch!
See the live video and to engage in the chat via ChatBridge technology.

As seating in our main location is limited, visit METANOMICS for a list of our event partner locations, or use the references below:



METANOMICS, Muse Isle (164, 178, 29)

METANOMICS Ampitheatre, Colonia Nova (193, 240, 49)

METANOMICS NMC, Outreach (127, 131, 23)

METANOMICS MetaPartners Conference Area, Grieg (205, 48, 32)

METANOMICS, Rockcliffe (149, 233, 68)

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Beam me up, Scotty ! or is it down, left right...

I was fortunate to be able to attend a really quite excellent presentation @Science Friday - 'Teleportaion Tuesday' by Prospero Frobozz a.k.a. Prospero Linden (Dr Rob Knop) giving a 1 hour talk on Quantum Teleportation.

Yes, as part or the AvaStar Empires keen interest in all things Sci-Fi and scientific the idea of instant transportation between two points 'Star Trek enter your mind's eye...' was too great an opportunity to miss. Prospero used voice while others typed questions in chat to delve into the incredibly unusual world of Quantum Mechanics.

I asked Prospero a question (referring to an electron being observed): "...when we measure and find say a spin "left" the other particle will be "right" we can reconstruct?" To which I had an affirmative YES! This bizarre reaction to a particle being observed was actually the key to teleportaion - allowing a reconstruction of an electron in another location. Probability played a big role in this: left spin would yield right spin and visa versa - also spin up an down as exampled above etc...

The Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen, (EPR) paradox explains this well: '...a phenomenon predicted by quantum mechanics, known as quantum entanglement, to show that measurements performed on spatially separated parts of a quantum system can apparently have an instantaneous influence on one another.' You could say what the right hand is doing the left hand does the opposite lol.

Well for the sci-fi people, the real 'downer' was you can't do it faster than the speed of light - You cant win them all. Einstein is safe for the moment...

Hope to see some more talks of this caliber soon :)

Saturday, 19 July 2008

Assimilating Terrains in OpenSim

More OpenSim experiments... This time I was testing the compatibility between SL (TM) raw terrain files and OpenSim files. Essentially I downloaded a raw terrain file from my simulator in SL (TM) and then uploaded it into OpenSim. It worked! But with a strange transfer effect. OpenSim appears to produce a mirror image of the terrain:

This image shows the SL (TM) actual terrain (note that this island's simulator left hand corner is located in the NNW on the mini map)

This is how the same raw terrain file looks in OpenSim (Note that the corresponding sim corner is in the SSW corner of the mini map - when compared to SL (TM) above)

So its scratch head and back to the drawing board. I suspect that it is to do with coordinates, but more testing required. Still it is fun experimenting :D

For the OpenSim developers, I was using: OpenSim 0.5.6-build

Sunday, 13 July 2008

Google Lively : a Second Life (TM) alternative?

Leonor and I both had a go at running our own Google Lively "simulator" - yes you guessed it a tropical island :D Well if you are interested in visiting there is a link on the right hand bar of this blog. Anyways, here are a couple of screen shots to wet your appetite:

Leonor and I at our island in lively We have added a phone box and TV recently, lol.

Pathfinder Lindens plot in Lively nice - but you cant beat SL (TM) really ;)