Yes, as part or the AvaStar Empires keen interest in all things Sci-Fi and scientific the idea of instant transportation between two points 'Star Trek enter your mind's eye...' was too great an opportunity to miss. Prospero used voice while others typed questions in chat to delve into the incredibly unusual world of Quantum Mechanics.

I asked Prospero a question (referring to an electron being observed): "...when we measure and find say a spin "left" the other particle will be "right" we can reconstruct?" To which I had an affirmative YES! This bizarre reaction to a particle being observed was actually the key to teleportaion - allowing a reconstruction of an electron in another location. Probability played a big role in this: left spin would yield right spin and visa versa - also spin up an down as exampled above etc...
The Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen, (EPR) paradox explains this well: '...a phenomenon predicted by quantum mechanics, known as quantum entanglement, to show that measurements performed on spatially separated parts of a quantum system can apparently have an instantaneous influence on one another.' You could say what the right hand is doing the left hand does the opposite lol.
Well for the sci-fi people, the real 'downer' was you can't do it faster than the speed of light - You cant win them all. Einstein is safe for the moment...

Hope to see some more talks of this caliber soon :)
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